
Upcoming Events

From Here to FREEDOM Classes


10AM – Noon

  1. April 7th
  2. May 5th
  3. June 2nd
  4. July 14th
  5. August 4th


$100 for series of 5 classes

$25 each

PAY for Classes

Guided Wealth Mastermind – Santa Barbara

Saturday Monthly Meetup

2nd Saturday of each month

Do you remember the last time that you were stressed about money?
Can you recall a moment that you procrastinated about money due to being overwhelmed?
Do you remember a time when you felt alone creating safety for your family around wealth?
Are you concerned about giving up your freedom to create financial stability?
Do you just want to kill it and create incredible affluence and wealth?

If you said yes to any of these questions, this is the right Meetup group for you.

We will meet monthly to share our concerns, dreams and goals around creating massive abundance. This meetup will be guided with topics and knowledge by a wealth advisor with more than 20 years helping people create the life that they want to lead. It doesn’t matter how much or how little money you have – this group is for the connection of tribe, the sharing of ideas and the goal of building your life the way you really want.

Requirements for joining the group: an open mind, a warm spirit and the desire to connect with your wealth tribe.

Santa Barbara Wealth Transformation Retreat


  • A transformational wealth building program that will lead you to greater affluence, more financial stability and a chance to truly create outstanding freedom and choice in your life.
  • wealth |welTH|
    an abundance of valuable possessions or money
    • the state of being rich; material prosperity: some people buy boats and cars to display their wealth.
    • plentiful supplies of a particular resource: the country’s mineral wealth.
    • archaic well-being; prosperity.
    Middle English welthe, from well1 or weal2, on the pattern of health.

This is for people who…

  • Are ready to commit to truly changing their painful money stories into true affluence
  • Are ready to play hard at this financial game, even when it take time and effort [and it can be playful]
  • Have 1.5 – 2 hours a week to devote to transforming pain, stress and shame into financial success
  • Ready to change what they believe and what they have been taught in order to create choice in their wealth decisions